
Selected knowledge from the world and the Network; documentation, literature and reports

Policy Conference – Paving the way towards animal free milk proteins.

June 20th 2024, 12.30-4.00 pm
EIFO Nordhavn, Haifagade 3, 2150 Nordhavn, Copenhagen 

Objective with the Conference is to propose a road forward using precision fermentation for production of milk proteins and enlighten policy makers on vision, possibilities and barriers. 

Participation is for free.
However, you need to register by 17th June. Either sign up in Teams (which many already have done) or send an e-mail to: .

The meeting will only be physical, no online attendance.   


Light lunch/sandwich 
Welcome - Setting the scene 
The potentials of alternative proteins in creating a sustainable food system. 
Michael Minter, Concito 
Transition of the dairy sector – version 2.0 
 Eva Sommer,  Fermify  
Fermify from Vienna is a leading startup on precision fermentation of milk proteins. What does it take to become a relevant player. How to roll out? 
Per Falholt, 
How will precision fermentation enter the dairy sector. 
Roadmap - Paving the way towards animal free milk proteins. 
Martin Kruse, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies 
Break refreshment
Bio-manufacturing at energy hub Holstebro 
Henriette Gavlshøj Mortensen, Holstebro Kommune 
Financing the emerging bio- manufacturing infrastructure 
Lars Horsholt Jensen, EIFO 
Policy framework for decarbonizing the dairy sector via precision fermentation – how to make it happen? 
The political system questions the panel of speakers. 
 Ida Auken, Fødevareordfører, Socialdemokratiet 
Erling Bonnesen, Fødevareordfører, Venstre 
Carl Valentin, Klimaordfører, Socialistisk Folkeparti 
Others to be confirmed. 
Wrap up. 
The End 
Informal Networking 

International conference on precision fermentation of milk proteins 

January 22-23, 2024 
Aalborg University Copenhagen, A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen  

The Conference brings companies, researchers, and policy makers together to address the urgent need for transforming our food system toward climate neutrality. We hope for your active participating to draw up a Roadmap for bulk production of precision fermented milk proteins.



Please register at Food & Bio Cluster Event. The Conference fee is DKK 500 (symbolic). We have room for 100 participants. First come, first served. (Speakers will receive a different link for free registration). 


We encourage participants - researchers, universities, companies, and NGO’s to present a poster at the Conference. The theme could be: i) Why and how do you work with precision fermentation for food, ii) Which technology/services/knowledge do you provide, iii) Fields of interest for collaboration. Ensure your poster is self-sustaining. Please coordinate your poster with Deadline 20.12.2023 for poster registration.


The Conference is part of the “Network - precision fermentation of milk proteins”:  The conference is organized by Aalborg University, Protein Frontiers and Food & Bio Cluster Denmark. The Conference is supported by GUDP and Innovationskraft. 

The Conference in short:

GHG emission from the food system is immense, highly complex, and urgent to tackle. Thus, we need to collaborate across disciplines and interests to address the problem.  The focus at the Conference is precision fermentation of milk proteins that can reduce GHG emission from dairy.  

The objective of the conference is to enlighten potentials and barriers for precision fermentation of milk proteins. The Conference is focused on problem solving based on science and collaboration.  

State of the Industry Report: Fermentation

Aarhus Universitet (AU), MAPP- Center

Good Food Institute

Fermentation has emerged as the third pillar of alternative proteins. New applications are transforming the industry, improving the taste and texture of alternative protein products. This report covers 2020 developments in the competitive landscape, innovation opportunities, product and ingredient applications, investment trends, regulatory status, and more.

Food for Thought, The Protein Transformation

BCG / Blue Horizon

In just the past few years, alternative proteins have morphed from a niche product to a mainstream phenomenon. Plant-based meats are now a fixture at fastfood restaurants around the world, plant-based milk is a household staple, and you can taste meat grown from animal cells in restaurants in Singapore and Israel.

RethinkX Food and Agriculture 2019


By 2030, the number of cows in the U.S. will have fallen by 50% and the cattle farming industry will be all but bankrupt. All other livestock industries will suffer a similar fate, while the knock-on effects for crop farmers and businesses throughout the value chain will be severe.  

EY Megatrends 2020: Are you reframing your future or is the future reframing you?


The world changed in March 2020. Almost overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic strained health care systems to the breaking point, put much of the global economy on an indefinite hiatus and radically reshaped societal norms and interactions. For businesses everywhere, these events are undermining established assumptions while catalyzing new models and approaches.

Get news about
alternative milk proteins. 

Join our newsletter for information and latest news within the field. 

Please reach out to us if you are curious to know more or have a talk to us;

Niels Kristian Sørensen
+45 4080 9930

The Network Animal Free Protein – Fermentation Produced Milk Protein is supported by GUDP
